
By Sophia Carter

12/22/2024 12:44 PM Updated on 01/09/2025

EXCLUSIVE: Integrative Nutritionist Reveals How to Get Rid of Bad Breath Quickly and Effectively!

Dr. Fabiana Monteiro specializes in treating bad breath. At 37 years old, he receives requests for help from all over the world.

Dr. Fabiana Monteiro
A specialist in Integrative Nutrition and Human Development, Dr. Fabiana Monteiro has dedicated her career to understanding and addressing issues that profoundly impact health and well-being but are often overlooked by traditional medicine.

“Patients often reported that, despite practicing good oral hygiene and visiting their dentist regularly, they couldn’t get rid of bad breath. In many cases, they were referred from one professional to another without finding a definitive solution,” Dr. Fabiana explained in an interview.

Her approach combines science, integrative practices, and personalized attention, allowing her to transform the lives of thousands of people over the years.

Dr. Fabiana Monteiro traveled extensively across the United States last year to gain a deeper understanding of her colleagues’ approaches to integrative health. What she observed, in her own words, is both concerning and common in many places: there simply isn’t an effective and comprehensive treatment for halitosis that addresses its root causes.

After conducting high-level workshops and lectures on Integrative Nutrition and Well-Being, Dr. Fabiana graciously agreed to grant us this exclusive interview to discuss an innovative and effective solution to the problem of halitosis.

Sophia Carter - Journalist

Hello, doctor. How are you? We know that bad breath causes embarrassment for those who have it and for those around them. What kind of social disruption can halitosis lead to?

Dr. Fabiana Monteiro

Hello, Sophia. I’m doing well, thank you for asking. Bad breath is truly a problem that causes a great deal of embarrassment, and what’s most intriguing is that the majority of people suffering from it are unaware of the unpleasant odor they emit. Typically, it’s others who notice it and feel uncomfortable bringing up the issue, saying something like, “Your breath isn’t great.” Often, even the closest relationships don’t justify such a direct comment, and unfortunately, the problem ends up being ignored rather than addressed.

Smell has a strong connection to emotions, and bad breath can evoke repulsion and even emotional distancing, often in an irreversible way.

Couples can overcome personality differences, tough times, and even past mistakes, but the inconvenience of living with a partner who suffers from bad breath is often a very difficult barrier to overcome.

But the impact of halitosis goes beyond romantic relationships. Socially, people with severe bad breath often feel ashamed to interact, speak, or engage in group settings. In many cases, this insecurity even affects their professional lives. They avoid open conversations or, when they speak, cover their mouths with their hands, which deeply limits their progress at work.

The social impact of bad breath is extremely concerning and affects a significant portion of the population. Studies show that 14% of people already suffer from halitosis by age 14. Between ages 40 and 65, this number rises to 47%, and after age 65, 67% face the problem consistently. Still, it’s important to note that 100% of people will experience episodes of bad breath at some point in their lives. This highlights the importance of addressing the issue seriously and effectively.

Sophia Carter - Journalist

That means the concern people show about bad breath is justified.

Dr. Fabiana Monteiro

Yes, and the important thing to note is that, in many cases, the person with halitosis isn’t aware of their problem. The olfactory bulb, located near the brain, becomes accustomed to the sulfur-laden air that the person constantly exhales. This creates an embarrassing situation because it’s hard to find someone brave enough to say, “You have bad breath. You should look for something to solve this problem.”

Sophia Carter - Journalist

How did you decide to focus on bad breath, or rather, halitosis?

Dr. Fabiana Monteiro

The interest arose when I noticed that many patients, even with impeccable oral hygiene and no evident clinical conditions, still faced persistent bad breath issues. It was something that profoundly affected their lives, from self-esteem to personal and professional relationships.

At first, I felt the frustration of not being able to provide an effective solution for these cases. That’s when I decided to delve deeper into the study of halitosis. I researched causes beyond the mouth, such as metabolic, digestive, and emotional factors, which often go unnoticed.

I spoke with colleagues from various specialties, immersed myself in scientific studies, and explored integrative approaches. Over time, I realized that the problem was far more complex than it seemed, but I also discovered promising pathways to treat it effectively and sustainably.

This process motivated me to develop personalized protocols that go beyond the surface, addressing the hidden causes of bad breath to offer patients not just temporary relief but a true transformation.

Sophia Carter - Journalist

Did you specialize in the field of halitosis?

Dr. Fabiana Monteiro

Yes, it was a path built over many years of clinical practice and intensive studies. From the beginning, I noticed that bad breath was a neglected issue, with causes far more complex than most people realized.

I consulted with specialists in various fields, such as gastroenterology and otolaryngology, to understand how factors beyond the mouth, like metabolic and digestive issues, also influence halitosis.

This in-depth exploration led me to develop my own protocol, integrating knowledge from different specialties. The goal was to address bad breath comprehensively, analyzing everything from oral microbiota to emotional factors and dietary habits.

Sophia Carter - Journalist

A protocol developed by you?

Dr. Fabiana Monteiro

Exactly. Based on my experience and the research I’ve followed, I realized that halitosis can have multiple causes—many of them outside the oral cavity. My protocol combines strategies to address metabolic and digestive causes, while also providing practical and accessible solutions for patients.

Today, I’m able to offer an effective approach that transforms lives—not only eliminating bad breath but also restoring my patients’ confidence and quality of life.

Sophia Carter - Journalist

E quais são as principais causas do mau hálito?

Dr. Fabiana Monteiro

According to the data I’ve observed in my consultations over the years, about 40% of bad breath cases have exclusively oral causes, such as inadequate tongue hygiene or dental issues.

However, the majority—around 60%—originate from extra-oral factors. These include gastrointestinal issues like reflux or poor digestion, metabolic problems, and even imbalances in the liver or gallbladder.

What many people don’t realize is that halitosis reflects what’s happening in the body as a whole. It’s not just a local issue in the mouth—it’s a sign that something deeper needs to be addressed. That’s why the integrative approach is so effective: it allows us to treat the root causes, ensuring lasting results.

Sophia Carter - Journalist

Very interesting. Could you share more about this protocol with our readers?

Dr. Fabiana Monteiro

Of course! The protocol I developed to treat halitosis goes far beyond superficial measures. It’s designed to target the root causes and promote effective, long-lasting improvement. Basically, it consists of:

- Taking a specific formula daily, containing carefully selected bioactive ingredients.

- Ensuring proper hydration with at least 2 liters of water per day to help eliminate toxins and maintain the body’s balance.

Sophia Carter - Journalist

What formula are you referring to?

Dr. Fabiana Monteiro

Based on years of experience and analysis of clinical cases, I developed a formula with highly concentrated, natural probiotics. It was designed to address the main causes of bad breath, working holistically within the body.

The probiotics in this formula have specific functions:

- Restoring gut balance: Supports the microbiota in promoting a healthy digestive environment, reducing odor-causing bacteria.

- Enhancing digestion: Helps optimize digestive processes, minimizing issues like reflux that contribute to bad breath.

- Supporting oral enzymes: Encourages the activation of beneficial enzymes in the mouth to neutralize odor-causing sulfur compounds.

- Boosting immunity: Strengthens the body’s defenses against harmful bacteria, fostering balance in both oral and gut health.

This combination has proven highly effective, promoting not only improved oral health but also enhanced digestive and metabolic balance.

The result is the complete elimination of bad breath and a significant improvement in overall well-being.

The name of this formula is "Hali10". It stands out for its exclusive composition and proven efficacy in addressing the real causes of bad breath, offering lasting and transformative results.

Sophia Carter - Journalist

Our readers are probably wondering where they can get this formula.

Dr. Fabiana Monteiro

Segue a tradução adaptada sem a opção de parcelamento: To reach as many people as possible who face the embarrassment and negative impact of bad breath, the laboratory has launched a special offer with discounts of up to 57%.

Participating is very simple: Go to the official website > hali10.com/us

Choose the package that best suits your needs. Fill in the address details where the treatment will be delivered. After that, just wait. Depending on your location, delivery takes between 7 and 15 business days.

Sophia Carter - Journalist

How long will this offer last?

Dr. Fabiana Monteiro

The special offer will last as long as the promotional batch is available. However, I want to emphasize that stock is limited, and there’s no guarantee if or when it will be restocked.

In recent days, due to high demand, hundreds of bottles have already been ordered. With the release of this interview, the stock is expected to sell out quickly.

So, if you’re struggling with bad breath and want an effective solution, I recommend taking advantage of this opportunity while units are still available. Visit the website and take the first step toward transforming your health and quality of life.

Interview: Sophia Carter

Photos sourced from open sources.

Atualização 10-01-2022

Após a veículação da entrevista, recebemos inúmeros contatos de pessoas pedindo mais informações sobre o Haliup, também recebemos alguns relatos interessantes de pessoas que utilizaram o produto.

A história que mais nos chamou a atenção foi esteticista Rebeca, que viveu vários constrangimentos por causa do mau hálito.

Entramos em contato com ela pedindo se era possível uma entrevista mais detalhada, ela concordou em nos dar mais detalhes, contanto que preservássemos sua identidade.

Renata Miranda - jornalista

Olá Luiz, tudo bem? Poderia nos contar o que aconteceu com sua esposa Antônia?

Luiz Gomes

Olá, estou bem obrigado. Então em 2016, ela foi diagnosticada com osteoartrite (calcificação) nos joelhos, um ponto de virada em nossas vidas. Naquela época, era uma tortura para nós. Nos próximos 2 anos, tentamos de tudo. Fomos à fisioterapia. Paramos de nos exercitar. Usamos várias vitaminas, suplementos alimentares, géis, pomadas.

Nenhum deles ajudou. Não encontrar uma solução foi muito decepcionante. Isto estava me deixando louco não poder ajudar minha esposa. Além disso, o setor de saúde do país foi outro motivo de minha decepção. O que uma pessoa deve fazer para garantir uma vida longa e saudável para seu amado cônjuge? Comecei a pesquisar sobre o assunto.

Renata Miranda - jornalista

Que tipo de pesquisa você fez? Você pode explicar?

Luiz Gomes

Quando um homem percebe que sua esposa não poderá mais andar depois de alguns anos, ele tenta de tudo. Comecei a pesquisar e li tudo o que pude encontrar sobre doenças articulares. Li artigos nas áreas de fisiologia, psicossomática, bioquímica, que estão direta ou indiretamente relacionadas ao assunto.

Gastei dias e mais dias (e noites também) descobrindo os segredos de especialistas da Europa, que são os melhores do mundo nesse campo. Aprendi que na Europa essas pessoas sabem muito mais sobre a condição dos pacientes do que nós.

Renata Miranda - jornalista

E como encontrou uma solução?

Luiz Gomes

Em dezembro de 2019, encontrei a pesquisa do Dr. Andrusiv. O estudo falava de uma fórmula que havia sido lançada na Ucrânia, com uma combinação específica de substâncias e um processo de produção diferente, com alta tecnologia, que conseguia extrair o máximo de nutrientes das matérias primas, transformando-as em um solução em gotas de alta absorção.

Fiquei muito entusiasmado e a partir daí comecei a procurar uma forma de ter acesso a esta fórmula, já que na época ainda não estava disponível no Brasil.

Renata Miranda - jornalista

E conseguiu? Como você fez?

Luiz Gomes

Não foi fácil, até mesmo porque não tenho muita habidade com internet. Mas pesquisando encontrei um fórum ucraniano que falava sobre saúde, fiz uma publicação, usando o tradutor do google, contando o problema da minha esposa, que estava desesperado. Perguntei se alguém poderia me ajudar, fazendo a comprar lá e despachando para o Brasil

Graças a Deus algumas pessoas responderam e se prontificaram a ajudar. Uma delas colocou até o número de telefone, e disse que podia chama-lo no whatsapp.

Imediatamente eu chamei esta pessoa, foi muito solicita. Fiz o envio do dinheiro pra ela pelo paypal (tive que confiar) e uns 5 dias depois ela me mandou código de rastreio, depois de mais ou menos 35 dia recebemos a fórmula no Brasil.

Renata Miranda - jornalista

E a partir daí, o que aconteceu?

Luiz Gomes

Ela começou a tomar imediatamente 20 gotas todos os dias, e após 40 dias começou a se sentir melhor, e foi melhorando mais cada dia. Com 70 dias de tratamento, ela foi fazer compras sozinha. Ele voltou com o sorriso que eu tanto sentia falta de ver em seu rosto.

Continuamos o tratamento por mais 4 meses e ela se recuperou completamente. Não podíamos acreditar. Tivemos uma grande vitória.

Renata Miranda - jornalista

Luiz, muito obrigado por compartilhar esta história de superação conosco. Gostaria deixar alguma mensagem para nossos leitores?

Luiz Gomes

Eu que agradeço. A mensagem que posso deixar é que não desistam, os problemas articulares tem solução, e felizmente agora a fórmula Arti Active já está disponível no Brasil, então há esperança.


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John Miller

14 days ago

It arrived super quickly. In less than a week of use, I already noticed a big difference. I asked my granddaughter for two consecutive days if I still had bad breath, and she said no (kids are honest!). It’s amazing!

Michael Smith

14 days ago

I’ve been using it for some time now, and it has greatly improved my problem. I highly recommend it…

David Brown

13 days ago

The remedy for bad breath has been very effective. I’m no longer afraid to speak up close.

James Wilson

13 days ago

An extremely reliable product in its effectiveness. I’ve been taking it daily for over 4 months.

John Harris

13 days ago

It helped me a lot; the bad smell in my mouth is completely gone.

Daniel Carter

13 days ago

My mother-in-law used to have that infamous bad breath. I had tried everything for her. My wife bought it for her… At first, she was upset, but later she understood.
Look, I have to say… it improved 100%! I highly recommend it.

Isabella Roberts

13 days ago

It’s really tough when a friend or relative has bad breath. I went through the same issue with a close family member, and it’s so awkward to bring it up. I bought 3 bottles and left them at her doorstep with an anonymous note… I imagine she was upset, but it worked because the problem was resolved. Now I can talk to her up close, and I no longer notice the smell.

Deborah Wilson

13 days ago

Guys, does this really work? I have bad breath and have tried everything.

Isabella Roberts

13 days ago

Deborah, I can confirm that it works. I bought it for a relative who had very bad breath, and it worked perfectly.

Sheila Lewis

13 days ago

Hi Deborah, it works.

Rose Anderson

12 days ago

It significantly reduces bad breath.

Ernest Miller

12 days ago

My bad breath disappeared (according to my wife).
Next week, I’ll order 5 more bottles. I regret only buying one and missing out on the discount. The 5-bottle kit is a great deal, much cheaper than buying 3 separately.

Katie White

12 days ago

Good product, delivers what it promises.

Mary Johnson

12 days ago

It was recommended by a friend. A true friend will tell you about this problem

Helen Green

12 days ago

It helped me a lot. It’s really sad to live with this issue because people distance themselves

Richard Brooks

11 days ago

I used it, and I’m feeling better… I had bad breath that wouldn’t go away. It was recommended by a friend who also resolved his issue

Alexandra Hayes

11 days ago

In my case, it worked perfectly, thank God.

Oliver Grant

11 days ago

I’ve been using it for a while. This Hali10 formula is really good, and I’m seeing positive results

Bella Cooper

11 days ago

An excellent product, reliable, and delivered very quickly

Lucas Powell

11 days ago

I’ll keep it short and sweet: if you have bad breath, buy it!

Anna Bennett

11 days ago

I took advantage of the 5-bottle promotion, and I don’t regret it. I’m in my fifth month, and I no longer have halitosis! I’ll keep using it forever!

Gabriel Hayes

11 days ago

The product is excellent. No one deserves to live with bad breath… and neither do the people around them. I had even lost a girlfriend because of this problem. Thanks to Hali10, I’m free from bad breath.

Helen Brooks

11 days ago

An effective product, I highly recommend Hali10

Melissa Norton

11 days ago

This product made my halitosis stop. I recommend it.

Carla Monroe

10 days ago

I suffered from bad breath for years! I had tried everything, and nothing worked. I highly recommend Hali10.

John Abbott

10 days ago

I’ve been taking this product, and I recommend it to everyone

Ronald Carter

10 days ago

I’ve been using it for 20 days now. It seems to be improving. I had a lot of acid reflux, and now I don’t have it anymore

Paula Mitchell

10 days ago

With so many promises in the market, I was very hesitant to buy. But after seeing all the information, especially that it’s an exclusive formula, I decided to give it a try. I don’t regret it; the product is truly high quality.

Leo Carter

10 days ago

It got rid of my bad breath. I recommend it.

Naomi Simmons

9 days ago

That’s great, Leo. I’m still evaluating it. I started taking it 3 days ago, but I’m feeling optimistic.

Mark Adams

9 days ago

Bad breath is such an embarrassing problem

Eleanor Hayes

9 days ago

Yes, Mark… Sometimes people even start distancing themselves from you, even though it’s not always your fault

Paul Grant

9 days ago

I bought Hali10 without high expectations since I had already tried so many other things that didn’t work. But this product surprised me and resolved my bad breath issue

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